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DepartMents Affairs

Sejong City
Office of Education

Democratic Citizenship Education Division

Democratic Citizenship Education Division

  • Matters related to democratic citizenship education
  • Matters related to peaceful unification and security education
  • Matters related to student human rights and human rights education
  • Matters related to personality education (planning, operation, evaluation)
  • Matters related to student autonomous activities
  • Matters related to school autonomous ordinance
  • Matters related to personality education practice case study contest
  • Matters related to patriotism and veteran education
  • Matters related to the Sejong Student Festival
  • Matters related to the education of students from multicultural families
  • Matters related to the education of North Korean defector families
  • Matters related to the global citizenship education
  • Matters related to student volunteer activities
  • Matters related to school violence prevention and countermeasures
  • Matters related to establishing basic plan for prevention of school violence
  • Matters related to school violence prevention education
  • Matters related to student lifestyle education
  • Matters related to the functioning of the Student Life Committee
  • Matters related to school violence and collaboration with the Metropolitan Education Agency and affiliated organizations
  • Matters related to the investigations into school violence
  • Matters related to the comprehensive work of student counseling activities
  • Matters related to anti-gambling education for students
  • Matters related to the prevention of school violence and matters concerning the recognition and commendation of outstanding teachers
  • Matters related to alternative education
  • Matters related to the prevention and countermeasures for study discontinuation
  • Matters related to the development of the basic plan for preventing study discontinuation
  • Matters related to the creation and implementation of legal delay for the school discontinuation
  • Matters related to the development and implementation of alternative class plans in schools
  • Matters related to the development and implementation of alternative education commissioned education plans
  • Matters related to the comprehensive implementation of life education with a focus on human relations
  • Matters related to the management of alternative educational institutions
  • Matters related to the development and implementation of the Basic Plan for Preventing Child Abuse
  • Matters related to youth of school discontinuation (youth who are not attending school)
  • Matters related to the establishment and operation of a pilot project for learning support for students who are in preschool or have dropped out during compulsory education
  • Matters related to data on NEIS Scholarships and school discontinuation
  • Matters related to information sharing among youth who have are school discontinuation
  • Matters related to the management of school dormitories (supervisor, superintendents)
  • Matters related to physical education (planning, operation, evaluation)
  • Matters related to physical education curriculum
  • Matters related to physical education enhancement project
  • Matters related to sports events
  • Matters related to Korean (Students) National Sports Festival
  • Matters related to the operation of sports clubs
  • Matters related to management of physical facilities
  • Matters related to physical education NEIS and student health fitness evaluation
  • Matters related to school athletics Integrity, sexual violence prevention education, human rights education
  • Matters related to the operation of the school physical education research conference
  • Matters related to the revitalization and public relations of youth organizations
  • Matters related to physical education instruction and pilot school operation guidance
  • Matters related to the planning and management of arts education
  • Matters related to music and art education in elementary and middle schools
  • Matters related to the operation of arts dream base schools, student art clubs, artistic talent management, etc.
  • Matters related to the operation of elementary and middle school music and arts curriculum education meeting
  • Matters related to revitalization of local art education and donation of arts
  • Matters related to the operation of art contests
  • Matters related to supporting the revitalization of school management committees
  • Matters related to the establishment and operation of the School Promotion Fund
  • Matters related to the development and implementation of the parent policy
  • Matters related to supporting parental involvement in school education
  • Matters related to the parental training (including special guest talks)
  • Matters related to providing educational information for parents and developing teaching materials
  • Matters related to the management of the parents' association and the resolution of complaints
  • Matters related to the network of parents' associations and affiliated organizations
  • 64 Matters related to the management of the Parents Support Center
  • Matters related to the development and operation of parental education
  • Matters related to the management of regional parent networks
  • Matters related to the guidance and supervision of the School Bullying Treatment Center
  • Matters related to the guidance and supervision of the alternative education consignment project (WEE School) and Neulbut School
Division Telephone
Departmental Affairs, Notices, Resources, Staff and Responsibilities Delegation 044-320-2415